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discrete problem中文是什么意思

用"discrete problem"造句"discrete problem"怎么读"discrete problem" in a sentence


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  • The security of the elliptic curve cryptography is built upon the difficulty of solving the elliptic curve discrete problem
  • Since ga could search for a global solution using multiple path and handle discrete problems naturally , it has been developed for solving rpo problem
  • However , the optimization methods by simulated evolutions are appropriate for solving the non - linear , discrete problems and combination optimization problems which are difficult to be solved via conventional methods
  • This method connects the discrete points processed in the level set method to form a smooth curve , thus transforms the discrete problem to continuous one . constraint entry is added to the curve according to the actual demand , and satisfactory result is obtained in experiments . the results show that the algorithm is effective in the actual applications
用"discrete problem"造句  
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